Wednesday 6 June 2018


die pappeln haben
den sommernachtsmond
gefangen, wiedereinmal.
heute aber fließt keine milch
aus der leuchtenden tiefe.
vom glasklaren nachthimmel
hinter dem schattenriss der zweige
fließt gleißend
nur der mond

Tuesday 23 May 2017


ich bin ein luftwesen
flieg mit dem tag

lichtwesen neigen sich
vor deinen schwingen
stirb mit dem tag

hinein in den nachtgesang
neige dein herz

Sunday 14 February 2016

february snow

suddenly snowflakes drift down
thicker and faster now
winter breaks
into premature spring
behind the clouds the dying day
caught by the crowd of magic crystals
falls from the sky

Tuesday 15 December 2015

to let

i am to let
i have put up the board
i am vacating any day
i let
my life
fitted kitchens
fully furnished
all the white goods
in perfect condition
this life
this body
is for rent
per calendar month
so many
hours of sunshine
and warmth
pay me by standing order
no agent's fees
no contract

no, no, do not worry
do not expect me
to give notice
of self-possession
i do not plan
to take it back

you are welcome
move in any day

i have already moved out
look at all
the empty rooms


here, now, i will grow roots
roots that reach deeply into fertile soil
a firm foundation
from this i grow my trunk.
unshakable i stand
for you to rest against, and test your balance
for you to run around in mirth
or hide behind
to cut into the bark, to leave a mark of your existence
and your love
my trunk for you to try your strength
and show you what strength is
drawn from the depth
and firmly rooted.

and from the trunk i stretch my branches
now you can rest and sleep
under my shade
my watchful eyes
my silent presence, joyful shimmering of leaves –
i stretch them wide, my branches
and i reach them down
yes, here you will be safe
for you, there will be fruit and flowers
all in their season
(i turn into the appletree and in my childhood's garden)
i reach them high, my branches, too
to gather light for you
and to draw you up into the light
you will start climbing on my sturdy branches
then build your nest amongst the leaves
until you reach the crown
for now, i know i have to stand
and spread my roots, expand my trunk,
stretch out my branches, keep my green leaves
for you.

Friday 10 October 2014


in the morning,
the full moon dissolves
into daylight
sky blue
i step into the wind
of another day

die wunden des oktober

auf dem asphalt kastanien
aufgeplatzt zetreten zerfahren
lauter leuchtendes fleisch
offene wunden
die stachligen hüllen verstreut
gewaltsam endet der sommer