Monday, 27 May 2013

i wait

i wait
for the late sleepers
to wake

i wait
and see the world breathe in
the early sunlight

i sit alone
in the sacred silence of the day
i hold my breath

no wind, no bird to sing, to break the stillness
– none, not even i

to wait
for the late sleepers
to break

apart the remnants of the night
and breathe for me, to sing
i sit in silence

Sunday, 26 May 2013


before i go i should like
to send postcards
polite little notecards
saying "goodbye"
before i go i should like
to send
seeds of forget-me-not
even in despair
i cannot let go of hope
the hope of breaking out
into flower
even if it was
a posthumous bloom

Thursday, 23 May 2013


einander auffangen
flüchtiges festhalten
das unmögliche

Friday, 10 May 2013

waiting for the pot to break

this pot continues to go
to the well, drawing water
every day
until it breaks
it breaks
this pot
is already cracked
it hardly holds
the water
look at all the cracks
for it to break